Saihan Khondoker


Research 3 Marketing 2 Article (publishing) 1 Blog posts 1 Data analysis 1 Data collection 1 Data retrieval 1 Email marketing 1 Grant applications 1 Human development 1 Key performance indicators (kpis) 1 Literature reviews 1 Newsletters 1 Project management 1 Promotional materials 1 Sales 1 Sales analysis 1 Sales process 1 Statistical hypothesis testing 1 Surveying 1 Target market 1 Writing 1


Latest feedback

Recent projects

United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund

Project Events Manager

We are looking for students to help us plan a charity event Students in this position will overlook the UMF team’s project through a logistical lens Students will help facilitate the UMF team events and ceremonies. The student will play a key role in helping the project manager create a more efficient work process.

Matches 2
Category Graphic design + 3
United Muslim Fund
United Muslim Fund

Research Assistant

The research assistants will support the research initiatives under the guidance of research faculty. Areas of inquiry including: World policy, human development, humanity.

Matches 2
Category Education + 1
Melius Marketing Ltd.
Melius Marketing Ltd.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Analyzing Sales Trends

We believe we have a good handle on our customer but we are lacking some knowledge into the acquisition of our customers. It is important for us to go back to the data we have on our sales process to determine key trends and patterns that will help us make informed decisions for the future of our business. Some areas that we hope to analyze include, but are not limited to, sales cycle length, average sale price, average ROI/customer, buying behaviours, etc.

Matches 2
Category Competitive analysis + 3
The Ummah Islamic Foundation
The Ummah Islamic Foundation
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Data Analysis Research

We would like to collaborate with students to analyze our raw datasets. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarizing themselves with our project’s objectives and analysis procedures. Checking for and correcting inconsistencies in the dataset. Calculating important results and plotting data in graphs and charts. Performing relevant statistical tests to determine the significance of results. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending future areas of study.

Matches 1
Category Education + 1