Karen Unland
Co-founder and COO
Ashley Lavallee-Koenig
June 20, 2023
Project feedback
Taproot was a welcoming and caring team. I felt valued and supported during my brief time with them, and I was continually challenged to build my skills. Team communication was efficient and the general atmosphere was a pleasure to work within.
Level UP MacEwan Community Partner Projects 2022-23
MacEwan Level UP
Level Up Editorial assistant
Taproot Publishing
Ashley Lavallee-Koenig
June 20, 2023
Project feedback
(I wanted to make it five stars but I can't figure out how.)
Taproot is an ethical, team-oriented publication that cares about producing accurate and valuable Edmonton news. They provided a great environment to learn in as someone that is new to the industry.
Level UP MacEwan Community Partner Projects 2022-23
MacEwan Level UP
Level Up Podcast production assistant
Taproot Publishing