Orientation Modules for technical committee members
SCC’s members participate in international standards development as volunteers. Given that they share their time and technical expertise freely, SCC recognizes the need to demonstrate and highlight the impact of their work on Canada’s well-being and economic prosperity. We are currently preparing to launch our Learning Management Platform to our 3000+ members, where all future training and synchronous learning will take place. We are currently developing courses to enable generic onboarding on to the standardization network and looking at possibly developing additional courses to enhance their training onto our platforms. The project may include, but is not limited to: Reviewing existing learning modules Enhancing an existing learning module or developing a new course to support onboarding of members This project gives students the opportunity to learn more about the standards development world, and obtain SCC learning certificates. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES The final project deliverable is a 30-60 minute course (SCORM compliant) on onboarding members onto SCC's platforms. TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT 50+ hours PROJECT MENTOR NAME: Namita Rai EMAIL ADDRESS/ADRESSE E-MAIL: namita.rai@scc.ca

Economic Value of Volunteerism in Standards development
SCC’s members participate in international standards development as volunteers. Given that they share their time and technical expertise freely, SCC recognizes the need to demonstrate and highlight the impact of their work on Canada’s well-being and economic prosperity. We want to better understand our target market and audience so we can uniquely position ourselves within our field. The project may include, but is not limited to: Target market research Industry size and market potential Competitive landscape Strategic positioning of our brand Measurement on value of volunteerism in Canada Economic development generated by volunteering in international standards development Calculating volunteer hours and average wage of technical experts in standards development This project gives students the opportunity to learn more about the standards development world, and obtain SCC learning certificates. FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES The final project deliverable is a report including research, analysis, calculations and the economic value of volunteerism in standards development. TIME COMMITMENT PER STUDENT 30-50 hours PROJECT MENTOR NAME: Namita Rai EMAIL ADDRESS/ADRESSE E-MAIL: namita.rai@scc.ca