Sustainable Life App Eco Ambassadors - Level Up
PROJECT DESCRIPTION/DESCRIPTION DU PROJET: Sustainable Life App is seeking a team of eco-ambassadors to help us build relationships with sustainability and recycling organizations across Canada and the USA in order to help our app generate sales from sustainable businesses. The organizations will offer referral codes with their members who will get to join our app for a special price/limited-time offer. LEVEL UP Roles available: 4 80 hours/student required KEY PROJECT ACTIVITIES/TÂCHES ASSOCIÉES AU PROJET: This role will involve a lot of emailing, instagram DMing (from your personal account) and also picking up the phone and making calls to sustainability and recycling organizations and booking meetings between them and our app's founder M. You will also be required to help populate the app in your city town (add refill stores and vegan restaurants to it that do not yet appear on the app, etc.) IDEAL ROLES/RESPONSIBILITIES/RÔLES/RESPONSABILITÉS:* Please note appropriate projects can accommodate most students, regardless of field of study or experience. We may not be able to fill these roles exactly. Veuillez noter que les projets appropriés peuvent accueillir la plupart des étudiants, quel que soit leur domaine d'études ou leur expérience. Nous ne pourrons peut-être pas remplir ces rôles exactement. Students will need to be extroverts or ambiaverts who are not afraid of rejection and treat sales as learning opportunities where we are trying to fulfill a clients marketing and sales needs instead of as "selling a product". We can accommodate 4 students FINAL PROJECT DELIVERABLES/LIVRABLES DU PROJET: Do customer discoveries calls and book meetings with associations, businesses and brands in your assigned territory.