Jasmitha Thavakumar


Data analysis 2 Data collection 2 Research 2 Statistical analysis 2 Statistical methods 2 Statistics 2 Application programming interface (api) 1 Browser compatibility 1 Bug tracking and management 1 Exploratory testing 1 Front end design 1 Google maps 1 Jira 1 Test case 1 Trello 1 Websocket 1


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Recent projects

Agora Tutoring
Agora Tutoring
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Agora Tutoring - Platform: Manual QA Testing for Enhanced User Experience

Project Objective The primary goal is to perform comprehensive manual testing on Agora Tutoring's platform to identify bugs, usability issues, and workflow inefficiencies. By testing every functionality and exploring various user pathways, this project aims to ensure the platform is robust, user-friendly, and ready to support its growing user base.

Matches 2
Category Product management + 2
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Analyzing Educational Trends: A Statistical Approach

The project aims to explore and analyze current trends in the field of education using statistical methods. EduTutor seeks to understand how various educational strategies impact student performance and engagement. The project will involve collecting data from reputable sources, such as academic journals and educational databases, to identify key patterns and correlations. Learners will apply their knowledge of statistics and data analysis to interpret the data and draw meaningful conclusions. The goal is to provide EduTutor with insights that can inform their educational strategies and offerings. This project will allow learners to apply classroom knowledge in statistics and data analysis to a real-world context, enhancing their understanding of educational trends. - Conduct a literature review on current educational trends. - Collect and analyze data from educational databases. - Identify patterns and correlations in the data. - Provide insights and recommendations based on the analysis.

Matches 1
Category Data analysis + 3
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Marketing Plan

Our company advertises thousands of products online. We hope to revamp our marketing strategy to attract more customers. We want students to help us build a marketing plan to grow and engage our target market. This will involve several different steps for the students, including: Familiarize themselves with our current marketing goals and strategies. Develop our presence on the Internet. Researching how customers perceive our brand and marketing. Recommending new channels we should use for promotion. Identifying an appropriate budget for advertising. Bonus steps in the process would also include: Recommending updates to our messaging that can better explain our value proposition.

Matches 1
Category Market research + 4