Young Adult's Book Series "Dragon Tails" on Thriving in Times of Change
Project scope
Graphic design Illustration Communications Community engagement Creative writingSkills
presentations resilience templates researchTo create a series of learning experiences for children around facing life's changes and challenges in order to build resilience
To build outline, graphics and creative content that expresses the concepts in a way that is engaging to children
To design a set of templates for parents and children to work through exercises together as a companion to the books
Learning and research on the change and resilience building concepts that a child needs in their learning journey through life
Learning and research on resilience building language, concepts and presentations to map out the AHA moments on the book journeys
Creative design for book graphics that will be used in the full series of 5 books
Write content at a teenager level with placeholders for photos and other illustrations or worksheets to be used in the books
Design a parent/child learning journey guidebook or playbook for the series to enable the resilience practices that will increase family abilities to grow together through life's challenges
Sharing my wisdom and experience on helping individuals, teams and organizations through complex, challenging changes with the models and approaches learned to address them and build resilience
Coaching and mentoring time for the students
Access to existing content on the topics, photos of Dragon, stories of the use of metaphors and other images that can be used to relate to ECO-Verse (ecological thinking conversations) that connect our love of nature and animals with the super challenging life's challenges we all face in our lifetimes
Access to existing design documents and basic communications tools to keep the project tasks on time for an effective delivery of the desired outcome
Supported causes
The global challenges this project addresses, aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Learn more about all 17 SDGs here.
About the company
Going 4 Value helps individuals, teams and companies build, grow and scale success in times of change, complex relationship and communications challenges. We provide training, coaching, mentoring support as well as ecological thinking and pattern recognition to strategically position life's challenges in ways that provide pathways through that just work.
Our products and services recognize that there is no separation between home and work life and that challenges that face us throughout our lives, impact our future success. The tools and services we provide help to integrate human changes and challenges in order to ensure a seamless success pathway in careers and businesses.
We also produce and market inspirational art products and help others to create their own, market them successfully and scale predictably.