International Market Entry Business Plan

BUSM 4385/DKA 16
RMIT University
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Peter Holyoake
Subject Coordinator
  • January 31, 2021
    Experience start
  • March 10, 2021
    Project Scope Meeting
  • June 19, 2021
    Experience end
2/1 project matches
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any industries

Experience scope

Communications Market research Operations Marketing strategy
market entry analysis business consulting business strategy marketing strategy international business
Learner goals and capabilities

Students from RMIT’s International Business Module of the Associate Degree in Business will be working together with students from Dundalk's Global Marketing program.

The program requires students to create an international market-entry business plan for a partner organization. The company can be based in any country and plan expansion to any other country. Such an assignment is also key to DKiT’s Global Marketing program and for the last 3 years, the two universities have worked together, combining student cohorts to deliver a project plan for a client organization.

Students will create an external and market analysis of the country market(s) to be considered before recommending market entry implementation strategies.


Any level
40 learners
60 hours per learner
Learners self-assign
Teams of 4
Expected outcomes and deliverables

The final deliverables will be sent in the form of a 4000 word report that includes:

1. Market and External Analysis Report

2. Implementation Strategy recommendations

A virtual presentation from the student group(s) could be arranged.

Project timeline
  • January 31, 2021
    Experience start
  • March 10, 2021
    Project Scope Meeting
  • June 19, 2021
    Experience end

Project Examples


We have experience of previous work-integrated learning projects which have resulted in practical ideas for client companies. These include Combi Lift, an Irish fork lift truck and logistic machinery company hoping to expand their Australian business, Hanley Energy, an energy management consultancy requiring market entry ideas for markets in South Africa, Sweden and the United States and the creation of market development plans for New Zealand company Ecostore who were considering entry into the UK and Irish markets. RMIT students have also worked for Japanese pharmaceutical giant Takeda on a project to provide blood and blood plasma donation services in Indonesia.

Some examples of tasks include, but are not limited to:

  • Helping partners to identify which international market(s) to enter with either an existing or new product or service.
  • Outlining how to enter an international market (including identification of key risks and launch strategies)
  • Providing tactical or operational recommendations for a defined market entry/expansion strategy (i.e. hiring/management strategies, cultural norms, and laws/regulations)
  • Identifying potential international partners for international expansion, and providing a strategic overview

Additional company criteria

Companies must answer the following questions to submit a match request to this experience:

  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox
  • Q - Checkbox