BSAD492 - Advanced Major Consulting Project 2024

St Francis Xavier University
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
Assistant Professor
  • January 8, 2024
    Experience start
  • March 31, 2024
    Experience end
4 projects wanted
Dates set by experience
Preferred companies
Any company type
Any industries

Experience scope

Change management Communications Market research Project management Marketing strategy
enthusiasm marketing consulting enterprise application software international business information systems management business administration entrepreneurship research
Learner goals and capabilities


Since 1982, senior business students at StFX University have conducted in-depth consulting studies for various businesses and organizations in north-eastern Nova Scotia. These field projects are undertaken as the final requirement to obtain a BBA Major degree in Enterprise Systems, Entrepreneurship, International Business, Management and Leadership, and Marketing. A StFX Schwartz School faculty member directly supervises each project that provides two key benefits. First, our students’ hands on experiential learning compliments and extends theoretical knowledge from the classroom. Secondly, participating organizations benefit by having access to low-cost, but in-depth, supervised consulting expertise. A video featuring past clients:



In September, the supervising professor meets with students to outline expectations and objectives for the course. Students then form research groups and determine the nature of the consulting project they wish to pursue. They may either choose a business or organization that has already expressed a need to have a consulting study done or they may approach a business or organization independently to offer their services. 


Instructions to students regarding the choice of assignments is to: 'find an organization, with an important strategic issue, opportunity or problem to address.' It is expected that each group to meet with the manager/client two or three times before the end of the fall term. Based on these meetings - and the Terms of Reference prepared by the client - the group then writes and presents a Consulting Proposal outlining what they plan to do, why they plan to do it, when they will do it and what it will cost (out-of-pocket expenses). These draft submissions are expected by the end of the year, to ensure time is available to make modifications to the proposal (if necessary) in early January.


During January and February, the student groups conduct their research and outline their interim findings. With feedback from the client and their faculty supervisor, the students conduct any remaining research and develop their conclusions and recommendations. They present their final reports in early April. Throughout the process their professor monitors their progress and offers guidance to help keep the assignment on track. Please note that the whole project is confidential, and no details will be made public without the authorised written consent of the client.



If you have not already done so, the first step is to discuss your proposed project with me, my contact details are provided below.

Contact Information:

Randy Delorey

The next step is to complete the attached Terms of Reference form. This project outline is very important since its contents will determine whether a student group selects your project. I encourage clients to identify projects that are strategic, comprehensive and multi-functional in nature. Following are three examples of these types of projects:


  • A business plan (expansion plan) for an organization
  • The feasibility of a proposed endeavour
  • An overall strategic audit of an organization providing broad-based recommendations.


Some acceptable projects may be strategic and comprehensive but essentially uni-functional, such as the creation of a complete marketing or information systems plan. Most good projects contain multiple information sources and invite multiple data collection approaches.



The student commitment is to spend at least 100 hours each during the term of the project -- primarily January to early April. The student groups, consisting of up to five students, are obligated to produce thorough, accurate, insightful and professional deliverables including:

• Client proposal

• Final report

• Briefing presentation 


The client commitment is threefold: 

• You (and other key stakeholders) must commit to being available to work with the students at all stages of the study. It is important to the process that the consultants have regular access to a specific client representative.

• You must make available all information needed to fulfil the consulting assignment; and

• You need to cover agreed upon out-of-pocket expenses incurred during the consulting project (such as photocopying, printing, telephone, travel, data collection, etc.)


From experience in our department, much of the success of the project depends on the active involvement of the client. Most of the student consulting groups take their obligation very seriously, but we have found the quality of the group's work increases when clients show an active enthusiasm for the project, release all needed information, and pay promptly for legitimate expenses incurred. 


This year's class is expected to have 4-5 project teams. It is unlikely that all submitted projects will be accepted. However, the more specific, clear and complete your project description (terms of reference), and the sooner it is submitted, the better the chances of acceptance. If you would like additional information on creating the Terms of Reference, do not hesitate to contact me.


Any level
16 learners
100 hours per learner
Learners apply to projects
Teams of 4
Up to 1 team(s) or 4 learner(s) per project.
Expected outcomes and deliverables

The student commitment is to spend at least 100 hours each during the term of the project -- primarily January to early April. The student groups, consisting of up to five students, are obligated to produce thorough, accurate, insightful and professional deliverables including:

• Client proposal

• Final report

• Briefing presentation 

Additional deliverables may be negotiated between the client and student consulting team as part of the specific project deliverables defined in the formal Client proposal.

Project timeline
  • January 8, 2024
    Experience start
  • March 31, 2024
    Experience end

Project Examples


To help with your planning, please note that the students tend to be a mix of marketing, enterprise systems, leadership, and entrepreneurship advanced major business students. Based on the students I worked with last year, the marketing students are very keen to work with online branding and social media strategic planning, enterprise systems students keen to work on innovative projects with a technology bent, entrepreneurship students tend to be very creative and forward-thinking, and the leadership students on teams, organization, and governance. I also found that many, though not all, of the students had an interest in EDIA. That said, all students will be in their final year of business studies and have the fundamental skills to support almost any project, including the necessary financial analysis.